UMG inc

Trusted Bulk Energy experts since 1990.

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Electricity Services

UMG Bulk Energy focuses on getting the best electricity deals for our business rate clients with the largest deregulated energy commodity suppliers coast to coast. We work to lock in stable fixed price contracts and/or month-to-month index (variable) rates that best fit our clients individual and unique needs.

UMG Bulk Energy specializes in representing your best interests, in getting you the best prices at the best terms from the best suppliers, timing market purchases so you lock in at the best times, all focusing on your bottom line and specific needs.

Please fax, mail or e-mail your larger usage electric bills for complimentary no-obligation price quotes, to see where the savings opportunities are, to find out what the risks are, and to make the decisions that get the best deals for you.

UMG ClientUMG Client


The Bottom Line

Bottom LineNo matter what type of business you run or where you are located, if any of your utility bills are over several thousand dollars per billing period, then there is good potential for rate savings and billing overcharge recoveries in your bills. UMG Bulk Energy has been auditing utility bills since 1990, identifying and recovering millions of dollars in billing refunds and ongoing savings towards client's bottom lines.


Contact Us Today

Contact UMGCall or contact us today to see if we can help improve your bottom line.